Know the signs of domestic violence

Domestic violence or abuse is one of the biggest problems in an intimate relationship or marriage when one of the parties tries to dominate and control the other party. Domestic violence can happen to anyone, but this problem is often overlook, ignored or given excuse. Like bullying, psychological abuse can cause more damage to the person compare to physical abuse. Noticing and acknowledging abusive behaviour is the first step to end it. We should not live in fear of our marriage partner or the person we love.

Domestic violence and abuse are carried out for only one purpose, to gain and maintain control over you. The abuser will not use “fair” method, but instead use shame, guilt and fear to approach you and keep you under his or her thumb. Sometimes they even resort in threatening you or your family members. Domestic violence does not discriminate, while women are more commonly victimized, men are also abused – especially verbally and emotionally.

One often overlooks signs of abuse and thinks it as a sign of love from the other party in an intimate relationship. However, one must know that these relationships are unhealthy and can greatly affect the characters of your children. There are certain sign that both parties need to look out,

  1. Do you :
  • Feel afraid of your partner?
  • Avoid certain topic out of fear of angering your partner?
  • Believe that you deserve to be abuse?
  • Feel emotionally numb or helpless?
  1. Does your partner :
  • Humiliate or yell at you?
  • Criticize or treat you so badly that you are embarrassed for your friends or family to see?
  • Ignore your opinions and keep blaming you for everything?
  • Have bad and unpredictable temper?
  • Threaten to harm your children?
  • Force you to have sex?
  • Destroy your belongings?
  • Show excessive jealousy and possessive behaviour?
  • Check on you when you are out with your friends?
  • Limit your access to money?

One needs to be careful when the above symptoms happen. Swift and quick action have to be taken when they feel that they are no longer safe living with their partner.

Emotional abuse can remove your feeling of self-worth and independence. An abuser can make you feel like you are nothing without them. According to research, if your partner has threat you abusively for even once, it is very likely that they will do that again. Before that happens, make you carry out steps to avoid and prevent them. Professional consultancy are highly recommended for couples who have trouble communicating about that matter. In worst case, police will have to step in to stop the abusive behaviour of your partner.

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